Tuesday, October 26, 2021

10/26/2021 Tuesday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Once again their morning started at the bay. They were first treated with dolphins coming close in, playing all until the boats came and that ended that.  They spotted Lei Ola RH48, Aukai RL12, RL20 Kalua and R3CX Nalu foraging.  There seem to be a little fighting or rough play going on.

At another west side location they found RH76 Kala snoozing on the rocks. She was alone and resting peacefully. 

They found the bosom buddies back at tracks, Kalani RN14 and Kaale RH32.  Kaale is still molting looking a mess but he's getting there.

Team R&B were treated to a surprise by coming across their favorite son da Benny RE74. He was on a west side beach with a sign up.  Then there was RM31 Kai same location but different spot. He was resting on a small patch of sand.

Afternoon check at the bay they found RL20 Kalua hauled out on the rocks. He was resting, they noticed a lure coming from his mouth. He did not seem uncomfortable or stressed.

Lei Ola 
Aukai and RL20
RH76 Kala
Kalani RN14
Kaale molting
Bosom buddies Kalani and Kaale
RM31 Kai
RL20 Kalua afternoon sighting

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