Friday, June 30, 2023

June 30, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn.  Team R&B did not have any seals today.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:30 to 3:20 and there were four seals on island today. 
On the rock flats of LPB was one of the Weaners: weaner size, shape and coloration, two red tags and very light female belly. Marilyn only saw one weaner today.

Initially near the back of LPB was who Marilyn ultimately decided was RK24 Bruno/Wawamalu: adult size, light tan male belly, two red tags, and scar on right side about 1/3 forward of rear flippers. He entered the water 2:52 pm and hauled out to Adult Female 1 near 3BS at 2:58 pm

Near 3BS was Adult Female 1: adult size, grayish green female belly and two red tags. She did not
totally welcome RK24's attention.

Behind water front rocks on RRB was Adult Female 2: Marilyn got a brief look, no photos of her greenish yellow female belly before she rolled over. Marilyn believes she is the same A/F she reported yesterday. 

As Marilyn was driving she had seen a seal out near the waterline at Sandys. There was an SRA and volunteer on site. Marilyn made a quick stop for about 10 minutes.  
The seal was adult size, sandy male belly, and no tags that she could see. There may have been a scar on the right side of the face which would suggest RK72 Kekoa Alii. Because of his position and location it was difficult to get all the angles. 
** side note late email from Team R&B - they confirmed RK72 Kekoa's ID.  Good to hear about him its been a while.*****

Rabbit Island
RK72 Kekoa Alii

Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 29, 2023 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Melody and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:15 to 3:45 and there were three seals on island, along with both Masked Boobies and Red-tailed Tropic Birds.
Partially hidden behind rocks back of SRI was Adult Female 1: adult size, older coat with mottled gray female belly, unsure about tags.  At 1:25 she noticed what Marilyn believes was one of the weaners trying to get to the A/F 1 "barked" at the weaner and the youngen disappeared.

Behind waterfront rocks on RRB was Adult Female 2: adult size, light greenish-yellow belly and two red tags. This seal seems a little chubby, but also difficult to determine size when the entire seal isn't visible.
Marilyn noticed that a Red-tailed Tropic Bird was in one of the depressions in the rocks above A/F2.  Based on her coloration Marilyn thinks this may be RK38.  Marilyn has been waiting for Kala to arrive based on her due date of 6/22.

At 3:23 a Weaner hauled out at Middle Cliff. Not sure which weaner, or if this was the one that was near A/F 1.

Melody and her friend Diana ventured up to the North Shore today. Their first sighting was S08/09 formerly known as PO6. She was in the water floating on her back, easy to see with that shiny white belly. Possibly just came in from foraging since she slept on her back for quite awhile.  After what seemed like forever, she decided to start foraging again, making her way around the tide pools. 

They decided to go look at other areas, when Diana asked if there was a seal on shore by the wall.  Melody was able to use her lens to see not only one seal but two. They headed over and found the two seals cuddled next to each other.  One of the seals was S20 formerly PO7, looking good and healthy.
The other seal was smaller and Melody thought it might be Pualani but there was no tracker. After taking several photos they could read tag, it was S32 Kaimana's pup U'i Mea Ola. She really looks tiny compared to S20.

As Melody was photographing S20 she spotted another seal through her viewfinder. Behind the two weaners was an adult seal who came up on the sand sniffing the two weaners. Melody was able to ID RL08 "bam bam square pants". Little trivia that RL08 and S32 are blood cousins.
After a while S32 was a little overwhelmed by her giant cousin RL08, she swam off.   Later she hauled out around the bend, but RL08 found her and she took off again. After that they both went their separate  ways.  Melody and Diana called it a day after a full morning.

Team R&B first arrived at the bay and there were two women so excited about seeing three seals. Team
R&B just arrived and hurried to see but they missed them.  
They had to make a quick stop at home, but went back. This time two seals were RM31 Kai and RH76 Kala were there. At one point Kala got upset with Kai and went after him, holding him under water. He eventually made his way up. 
Then much to their surprise they found the beautiful RH48 Lei Ola. She was on the opposite side from the other two. She has put back some of her weight looking good and healthy.

At another west side location they were happy to see R416 today looking good.  He must have been off snacking yesterday when the didn't find him.

Rabbit Island
Masked Boobies
Melody's North Shore Morning
RH76 & RM31

June 29,2023 Wednesday's Dailies LATE!

Aloha All - For the first time in 15 years I actually forgot to do the blog. I did go out last evening and got home a little later than usual. I mostly concentrated on keeping the dogs quiet and not waking my 88 y.o. mother.  It wasn't until this morning that I realized I didn't update.  Sorry for the delay.

Team R&B went out and didn't see any seals even though they made their best effort. They did see dolphins and a goat on the cliff side.   
I would like to take this opportunity to wish them a HAPPY 54th Anniversary.  

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:515 to 3:05 and there were three seals on island on Wednesday.

On LPB was Weaner A: weaner size, shape and coloration. She never got a good look at belly or rear flippers.

On the 1BS side of LPB was Weaner B: weaner size, shape and coloration, very light female belly and two red tags.

Mostly hidden behind waterfront rocks out on RRB was a seal that she labeled as an Unknown Unknown. Most likely subadult to adult size, brownish coat and unsure about sex or tags.

Goat on cliffside
Rabbit Island