Monday, October 18, 2021

10/18/2021 Monday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update


Yesterday afternoon after receiving several calls thru out the day I went to check on 4 seals

R330 Squinty overnighted and spent the day on the beach - still hasn't started molting
R407 Kawika changed location from yesterday, overnighted and also spent the day on the beach - still hasn't started molting
RO40 Ka'ena spent the day on the beach - he's on pre-molting behavior and came to check out location
KG54 Huaka'i overnighted in the same location we saw her the day before

This morning I checked again and found
R330 Squinty overnighted and spent the day on the beach
R407 Kawika must have overnighted per his wallow & trail, I found him on another beach where he spent the day.   More soon 🌺

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