Monday, October 11, 2021

10/11/2021 Monday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Melody and Team R&B💕

Team R&B started at the outfall and spotted Kaale RH32 foraging in and out of the outfall. Shortly after he moved over to tracks and hung by the fishers on the shoreline. They also saw plenty of dolphins out and unfortunately people in the water with them. 

Later Ka'ale landed on the rocks and was resting alone. They didn't see any lines today.  There were tourist in an illegal area, they tried to get out and chose to climb a fence with barb wire. One of them wasn't so lucky and fell.  

At another west side location they found a lovely seal resting by herself on the rocks. It was RH76 Kala, she was way inland.

While at the bay they were looking and spotted three seals. There was Lei Ola, Aukai, and Kalua. At one point Lei Ola RH48 had a huge octopus which took her a bit to eat. They were so far out, it was hard to keep track.

Team R&B arrived at plains and there was a seal with a zone up by the lifeguards. The seal was the lovely RH58 Rocky. Since she molted, her signature natural bleached flipper is very visible.

Lastly after looking for her all over they found Miss RL42 Leia. She was snoozing on the rocks alone.

Melody got word that there were two seals hauled out at Kaimana Beach. Since she was on the road she decided to check it out. When she arrived there was Kaiwi RK96 and Benny RE74 snoozing together. Melody was told that Kaiwi had hauled out late morning and Benny had come in just after lunchtime. For the next hour or so they just hung out together turning and looking around every once in a while. 

Since it was a holiday the beach was full of people and dogs. Melody was in the company of a couple

of other monk seal supporters watching over the two and doing some outreach and education. Many folks today had never seen a monk seal before, and those who had never seen two together.

After a while and the waves starting to wash over them, Benny got antsy and went for a swim and some snacks. He stayed in the shallows doing some rolls, trying to get Kaiwi's attention.  Kaiwi paid him no attention. He headed toward the other end of the beach and then he was gone.

Kaiwi was still on the beach, and a little while later someone said there was another seal coming in. It was Benny making his way back. He stayed in the water trying to get Kaiwi's attention, but once again she didn't take notice.  As the sun was setting Benny continued to stay in the shallows looking for Kaiwi to join him. Kaiwi being as persistent as him, continued to ignore him.  Melody called it a day, leaving the two of them to work it out.

RH32 Kaale
Kala RH76
Lei Ola
Aukai and RL20
RL42 Leia
Kaiwi & Benny

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