Friday, October 15, 2021

10/15/2021 Friday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Lesley and Team R&B💕.  Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 2:20 and saw a total of five seals today. There were four seals on LPB. Close together were two unknowns (U/U 1) and (U/U 2).

U/U 1: subadult to adult size, mottles cream color ventral side. Marilyn never got a view of the lower ventral side or rear flippers. In several photos she thought there was a scar on the left shoulder and another mid-dorsal, which would suggest the seal might be RL08. 

U/U 2: subadult to adult size, older coat with some green around the rear flippers. Marilyn was unable to determine its gender or if there were tags.

Closer to the 1BS were two more seals, S/A/M subadult size, newer coat, light male belly and two tags. S/A/F, juvenile to subadult size, light female belly and two tags. She seems to have a dark patch on the ventral neck area.

At Middle Cliff, there was an U/J, juvenile size, two tags, light yellow belly (unsure of gender). In some photos it appeared this seal has a scar mid-dorsal area, (unless its a water spot). If it is a scar/wound then this is probably the same U/J Marilyn saw on the 13th.

Team R&B were thrilled to arrive at the bay and finally find a seal on the rocks. It was Lei Ola RH48 snoozing away, and she is looking fat.   Along with finding Lei Ola on the rocks, they also finally found RL20 Kalua. He was in the rocks, and looked like he had string covering him, but turns out it was grass. They questioned whether he has begun his molt, hopefully it happens soon.

Out by the jetty they spotted a school of fish and an Ahi jumped out of the water. There were two seals foraging off the bay. They were too far to get any ID.   

Heading over to another location they found their "fat boy" Kaale RH32 snoozing. He was alone on shore. He looks like he may molt soon too.

Their last sighting was a clean molted seal on the rocks. They were not sure who this seal was, perhaps R407. His coat was clean, a possible nb on the butt area, but no real markers.

To end their day they spotted a mother goat and her kid on the cliffside.

Rabbit Island
Lei Ola
seal foraging
jumping ahi
unknown - possibly R407

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