Sunday, October 10, 2021

10/10/2021 Sunday Monk Seal Dailies


Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:20 to 1:10 and there were three seals during her session. On LPB were two seals. A/M, adult size, older coat, brown male belly and at least one tag.  Initially further back on LPB was a J/M, juvenile to subadult size, newer coat, light male belly and two tags. He eventually came down to the A/M closer to the water. It's always a challenge to view seal on LPB when there are winds and waves.

In the Middle Cliff area was a seal, that Marilyn believes to be RL08. The seal was juvenile to subadult size, newer coat, two tags, cream colored male belly, Marilyn thinks CC scars both on the left shoulder and mid dorsal.

Team R&B arrived at the outfall and everyone was grumbling there were no fish, although that didn't stop them from trying. They noticed  a slither of a seal's back, as it was foraging. It was just outside the outfall, but it's clean coat and scar on face were visible. They were able to ID RL12 Aukai. She is very good at catching her meals.  

Then they spotted another seal around the swimmers, so there must be something out there. It was Kaale RH32 looking very green with racoon eyes.  Team R&B lost sight of Aukai after an hour or so. They did see a seal heading towards one of the nearby beaches. The seal kept bobbing up and down, passing a bunch of fishers, kept going and was close to a young swimmer. The kid flew out of the water and watched the seal pass him and the others. Kaale RH32 finally hauled up on shore, carefully by a woman who was innocently picking shells. Kaale continued his galumphing and finally settling in. One guy saw him decided he wanted a closer shot. Of course he went closer and Kaale was aware of him, they guy took his shots and continued on his walk.

Next they found RL42 Leia at another west side location. She was alone today, rolling on the shore.

Who knows why, maybe covering herself in sand to camouflage her presence, hiding from the boys.

Overall it was a slow day, super big surf, no fish, and lots of people out and about. They made several trips to the bay, and only found surfers having a great time. Dangerous area so close to the rocks, but they were loving it. They spotted RL20 Kalua laying on the rocks. The line was visible and getting "curly" hopefully it will break off soon. 

Rabbit Island

Kaale RH32
RL42 Leia
surfer fun

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