Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, posse pal Tracie T and Team R&B💕

Welcome back Marilyn and it appears the seals were happy you were back too. She viewed Rabbit Island from 1:33 to 2:53 pm and there were five seals seen during that time.
Initially on LPB was weaner T19 (PO8) on the Lanikai side of the beach: weaner size, two red tags.
Adult Female 1 was in the middle of LPB: adult size, new coat, light gray female belly and two red tags.
At 1:41 pm, chubby weaner RT90 (PO3 Manapua) hauled out to the AF1. RT90 was ID'd by his large weaner size, light male belly and two red tags. Ultimately RT19, AF1 and RT90 were near each other and changed positions.
Between Middle Cliff and 3BS was juvenile female RS12: juvenile size, old coat, two red tags, female belly and N3 applied bleach.
At RRB was Adult Female 2: adult to sub-adult size, old coat, mottled female belly and two red tags.

I received an email from Tracie from Picture Happy Photos. She was at Sand Island earlier and photographed RH58 Rocky and PO10 from around 7:10 to 7:45 am. There were both snoozing peacefully on the beach. 
Tracie had left for about an hour and when she returned Mama Rocky was gone. One of the DLNR folks was out on the jetty looking for her. He said when he arrived at 8:00 Rocky wasn't there.  They did not see her and although it was still early it appears Rocky has weaned her pup.'

Team R&B had a very slow day. They were out all day checking all the usual spots but only found one
seal. At Kahe they found RL20 Kalua alone on the rocks. He was snoozing away probably sleeping off his full belly.
While watching over RL20 they spotted a turtle. The poor thing has some serious tumors around its eyes.  So sad to see.
Although they didn't see any other seals they did see a good size pod of dolphins. 

Rabbit Island
Rocky and PO10

Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Tammy, Diane and Team R&B💕  

Tammy was out at ka'ena point today and saw a total of three seals.  Her first find was the newly molted RL98. She was resting comfortably on the sand .
Next was her daughter RT98, she was on the rocks. And lastly was a female who Tammy believes to be R418. 
There are just a handful of albatross chicks still around. With todays winds Tammy got to see some practice flaps.

Diane checked out Rabbit Island today and there were three sleeping seals on island. They were spaced across the island. One was one of the weaners labeled as Unknown Weaner on LPB. Diane couldn't be sure which weaner it was.
In the middle of the island directly under the 2BS was a female seal with at least one tag. Her coat looked older, with a dark mark on her right chest.
An unknown adult was to the right past the 3BS. It looked like the same UA from yesterday. There wasn't much to go on since Diane could only see the back of the seal.

Team R&B started their day at the bay and found RM31 Kai. He was below lower rocks snoozing and having seal dreams.
Also they were happy to find two additional seals. Towards the front was the lovely Kala RH76 and the handsome R617. They were resting and snoozing on the rocks peacefully.
They ran into Adam from NOAA out at the site checking out the area.

At another west side location they finally found another seal. On lower rocks was Nalu R3CX snoozing.

Their last find today was Kalua RL20. He was alone resting on the rocks. The boy is looking quite fat these days, guess he's been eating well.

OH last but not least I was in the city today and decided to detour and go visit with Rocky RH58 and PO10. There weren't many people around and apparently Mom and pup had been for a swim a little earlier. It was difficult to see the pup since momma Rocky was blocking my view and there was very little movement.  I wasn't able to stay long but it was still nice to get a peek at the kid.

Rabbit Island - UW
Rocky & PO10

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Diane and Team R&B💕

Diane viewed Rabbit Island today. She arrived at 11:15 am and noticed a seal just past the 3BS after she scanned the island with binoculars.  Once she set up the scope she could clearly see the seal was a female. 
Later examining the photos she spotted one of the weaners was with the female.
The female turned out to be RS12 confirmed by her N3 applied
bleach. Diane believes the weaner was RT19 (formerly PO8) due to his size.
At 11:53 am she realized the weaner was no longer visible and was replaced with what looked to be an adult seal. She was never able to determine its gender so it was reported as an Unknown Adult.
At 12:11, the weaner showed up again to the left of RS12 and the UA. He eventually made his way over to where they were resting.  
At 12:21 Diane noticed there were now four seals lined up together. The UA, RS12, weaners RT90 and RT19.  
The UA had left the group and later showed up further to the right. The combination of RS12, RT90 and RT19 was in motion for the next hour.  RT90 & RT19 were moving around RS12, playing musical chars. She was not participating but didn't leave either. At one point it looked like one of the weaners (RT90) was interested in nursing (OMG). 
On her final scan RT19 had moved to LPB, RT90 was still with RS12 and the Unknown Adult.

Team R&B started their day with a text that RN14 Kalani was at
White Plains. They were having their car serviced so they could go right away. When they finally made it out RN14 was roped off by the cabins snoozing peacefully.  A small crowd had gathered but all were respectful. Team R&B had the opportunity to talk story with a very nice woman staying at the cabins. They filled her in on RN14 and she was very appreciative.  Always feels good to share with someone who cares.

They made their way to Kahe, where they found two seals. The two males were identified as RM31 Kai and RL20 Kalua. The two were already up on the rocks resting.

Next stop was at the bay, where there were several homeless folks out at the site. There were two seals out on the edge of the rocks. They didn't want to stay long, but were determined to get their IDs. The female was ID'd as RH76 Kala, but the male took some time to ID. He has a scar on flipper, no tags seen, scars on the right side of his face. Initially they were going to report him as an unknown male. But after checking in with the posse they confirmed the UM was R617.

Last stop was at the cliffs where they spotted a male seal,  green coat and tags. It was R3CX Nalu, who was cruising the area. He was there and then took off.
They looked around some more and spotted R3CX hauling up again.  That's when they noticed another seal swim in by R3CX. It was RP30 Puka, the two fight and then R3CX leaves for good.  

Rabbit Island
R3CX $ RP30