Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February 11, 2025 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn had actually viewed Rabbit Island yesterday, but after waiting for an hour there weren't any seals seen.
Today she viewed the island from 12:48 to 2:23 pm and there were two seal seen during that time.
Between 3BS and SRI were two seals near each other.
Juvenile Female: larger juvenile to small sub-adult size, light tan female belly and two red tags. She may have a scar near her right upper nipple, This is probably the same female, that was labeled as a sub-adult female on February 8th. Today with her next to an adult female, she seemed more juvenile size.
Near the J/F was an Adult Female: robust adult size, golden tan female belly and at least one and probably two red tags. She may have a scar on her lower lip. Marilyn suspects the A/F is pregnant but with a month or two to go.
There were two pairs of Masked Boobies on the outer rim of the crater. She is reasonably sure the MB1 pair is nesting and incubating an egg. She isn't sure about the MB2 pair.

Team R&B had a short day today.  At one of the west side beaches
they found RW02 PvKauai. He had just arrived on the rocks and was still hauling up further in.  They couldn't stay but at least they were able to get an ID.

They made another stop where they found RM31 Kai alone resting on the edge of the rocks.  They did get to see some whales too.  Since they had an appointment their day was cut short.

Rabbit Island

Monday, February 10, 2025

February 10, 2025 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

They started their morning by finding Kala RH76. Unfortunately there was some guy next to her, and shortly after a woman came with the grandkids. Team R&B stuck around until they left.
At one point the kids ran down the side, and they were sitting on the rocks. Grandma was at the pond left of RH76 with a water gun?????  
When the family came up on the beach Team R&B asked what were they going to do with the water gun, Grandma replied Oh shoot the
kids. Then Team R&B asked if they were going to shoot the poor seal?  Oh no, they knew not to disturb the seal.  Meanwhile Kala RH76 was alert and stayed.  

Next they headed over to tracks.  They saw a seal and alerted a swimmer. Thankfully a volunteer was on site, but there were no signs. Team R&B ID'd RH32 Kaale, looking good.

Team R&B got a text from a friend that there were two seal hauled out at nimitz. They went to check it out and found two males. One was R407 Kawika and the other took them a little bit to get a positive ID. They believe it is RN14 Kalani, no tags seen, scar on the right side of his head.

Then they went back to their usual spot checks and were happy to see the small seal on the rocks. Thankfully its tags were showing, alone this mall one was RP30 Puka. 
On their second visit to the site they saw that RP30 was still there but now he had company. A second seal turned out to be his brother RM31 Kai.  Very sweet!


Sunday, February 9, 2025

February 9, 2025 Sunday's Dailies

Before I get into the dailies just want to note that the blog turns 17 years old today.
17 years - 10, 259  published post - Approximately 6,205 days -  Approximately 12,410 hours. 
Now if I could only commit to an exercise plan. 

Back to our regularly scheduled dailies brought to you by Team R&B💕  I can't even begin to think about how many hours they have logged and miles they have walked. 

Their morning started off slow in the seal department, but they did get to watch the dolphins.  As
always they do not disappoint and always look like they are having fun. 

Then finally they spotted a seal hauling up and there were plenty people out and about. They watched from a distance and they determined the seal looked like Nalu R3CX.

Then from afar they see two seals at Kahe, so they hurried over to check it out. When they got there they realized there were three seals. RN14 Kalani was with RL08. It appears RL08's cyst is oozing.
On another rock was RL20 Kalua. 

Then they looked over to check on Nalu and they were surprised to see another seal hauling up. It was a big male RH32 Kaale. Team R&B were happy to see a volunteer was on site with signs. 
At one point one of the boys left and then returned hauling higher up on shore.

Turning their attention back to Kahe they couldn't believe a fourth seal arrived. It looks to be a young (sub-adult) male with two cc scars under belly, no tags seen. They could not come up with an ID, so it was reported as an Unknown Sub-adult male.
Their last seal of the day was the royal lady Miss Aukai RL12. She was back on the other side of the fence at plains. She was resting comfortably in a zone provided for her by the wonderful lifeguards.
Team R&B was also entertained by an egret trying to catch a lizard.

Lastly they got to enjoy their other most favorite thing watching the whales. Today they shared their binoculars with tourists who were thrilled. There were so many whales out there, maybe 5 different pods, all spouting, head lunges, tails flying in the air.  What a wonderful experience!

RL08 cyst
RN14 & RL08
RH32 joins R3CX
Unknown Sub-adult Male