Wow a long busy week it was around here, I'm glad it's a wrap up today.
RO40 Ka'ena was over on this side resting peacefully
RL42 Leia and P03 Puka D11 were coming out of the water on my 2 first checks, I'll do the late afternoon one later.
RW02 PVKauai - the hero of the week for saving Kami from Nalu yesterday, was sleeping peacefully on the beach
RL74 Kami was sleeping in her secret spot away from all other seals and humans
RJ40 (F) was hauled out on some reefs, she got startled by a wave and I was able to get a pic of her with her eyes open.
RG40 Holokai is still in the area visiting. He was hauling himself on a reef when I first saw him. Must have been exhausted, because he got 3/4 of his body out of the water and his hind flippers stayed in the water. Luckily, the tide pool was nice and calm, and a water shot confirmed his ID (must love the NB!!)
While at the point doing outreach I saw some big splashes behind a boat. I sat down on a rock to observe. Saw the fishermen swim back to their boat (5 out of 6) fast. They were spare fishing, put their fish away changed and left. Turns out a pod of dolphins was in the area with a very unusual behavior. They would all come up to the service while one slap its tail and did a lot of splashing, then they would all dive for several minutes.
More soon - Be Safe

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