Thursday, May 13, 2021

05/13/2021 Thursday Monk Seal Dailies

Today was a very busy seal day, as there were lots of sighting and plenty posse out and about. Our dailies are brought to you by Tammy, Lesley, Team R&B and some Kaiwi and P02 updates from Leighton.  I STRONGLY encourage you to read and watch Lesley's update because we have another member to our monk seal family.

Team R&B had a seven seal day today! It would have been nice if they were all in one location but no such luck.  Their first two finds were at a west side location. They were happy to find the two wahines, RH76 Kala on lower rocks and RL70 Leina was hidden


Next stop they spotted a seal foraging at Pokai Bay by the jetty. They got a photo and saw his applied bleach it was their boy RH32 Kaale. They stayed and watched him for a while but he never hauled out while they were there.

Team R&B saw a seal from a far and drove over to find it was Benny RE74.  While there they met a couple from Alaska and had the most unusual conversation. The couple mentioned the seal had just arrived about 15 minutes before. Then the woman said, "we love to eat seals". 

Honestly at this point I think my head would have exploded. Team R&B said NOT THIS SEAL! He is a Hawaiian Monk Seal and protected by the endangered species and marine mammal act.  Good ole Benny was resting and a good chance he will spend the night.  Hopefully those folks return to Alaska soon.

After that Team R&B were delighted and I am sure relieved to find two more seals together on the rocks snoozing their little fat hearts away. There was Kekoa Alii RK72 continues to stay with Miss Lei Ola RH48. They are very cute together.

Last critter of the day for Team R&B was on their way home. They spotted a seal from the road and

went to check it out. She was on the rocks snoozing all alone. It was little RL98 Lina ending their day with cuteness overload.

Tammy and Lesley went to the point today and they had a nine seal day.  What makes a nine seal day even sweeter was meeting one day old P03 with mom Leia RL42. When they first arrived they were having a snooze. They were told that RG28 Lefty did a swim by and when Tammy and Lesley arrived he was hauling out at the other end of the beach. (smart dude). While there another seal swam by it was RW02 PvKauai and he hauled out at well. Lefty and PvKauai had words and then they both left.

Their next find was as big as the good year blimp. It was BG R303 giving new meaning to BG being Big Girl! 

Further down they found Ka'ena RO40. With the tide being so low they decided to check a haul out spot

that RL74 likes, and sure enought she was there. As they were getting her ID Lesley spotted another seal. It was RJ40 the Molokai female visitor that has been hanging around lately.

Lastly they headed back to the pup site, and along came another seal to visit Mom and P03. It was R7GM another female. Seems for their first full day Leina and P03 had a lot of visitors.

And last part of today's dailies are some photos sent by Leighton of Momma Kaiwi RK96 and P02.

RH76 Kala
RL70 Leina
RH32 Kaale
Benny RE74
Lei Ola RH48
RK72 Kekoa
The cute couple Lei Ola and Kekoa
RL42 and P03
BG R303 Big Girl 
Kami RL74
RL42 and P03
Kaiwi and P02 from Leighton

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