Last night as I was getting my reports done, I got a msg from PVS that the canoes were coming in this morning !! I stopped what I was doing and got ready to go get some sleep because I had to get up at 3am !!!
Made it to Sand Island at 4:30am on time to see Hikianalia docking and later Hokulea being towed in. Nice to have the sailor back. We were back at Ka'ena at 7:30 am and I went straight to work
Got to the pup site to find an overnighted RG28 Lefty mid beach and down in the weaner cove RL42 Leia was sleeping with one eye on P03 Puka D15 that was playing in a tide pool. The kid is working on his head under water skills, and I even got to see him play with a pebble. I did several other checks thru out the day and saw him sleeping, nursing and playing down the waterline.
I've noticed that several people have mentioned that the sex wasn't official. Well once the penis is documented there's NO doubt it is a male. I've attached photos of P03 Puka on D3 to prove it.
Next I found RL98 Lina sleeping peacefully on the beach on later checks she had moved up the beach because of the tide.
RW02 PVKauai was doing the hippo in an outer pool.
That was it - Be safe

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