Wednesday, May 19, 2021

05/19/2021 (part 2) Wednesday Lesley's Ka'ena Update

I was down at dawn, on my way back I stopped by to check on RL42 Leia & P03 Puka D8. They were alone near the waterline and Puka was going for a nursing session. I did several other checks and they were sill alone. There was a seal that swam by but didn't stop.

Despite checking every nook and crevice I didn't see RO40 Ka'ena or RE74 Benny. Good news came from Barbara that she had Benny and his face was clean, no sign of the line and coral.
The only other seal I sighted was R3CX Nalu that was in the same spot I saw the U/U yesterday. For a moment I thought I'd be able to ID it today. But it was Nalu.
The LAAL chicks are starting to show a lot of their new black and white feathers.
More tomorrow - Be Safe ğŸŒºğŸ˜·

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