Saturday, May 8, 2021

05/08/2021 Saturday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Lesley and Team R&B💕  Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11 am ro 12:45 pm. There were three seals on island today.  On LPB initially by itself was P01 identified by weaner size and coloration, NB on LFF and RFF, light belly and no tags.  Today Marilyn questioned whether our weaner is a male or possible female. Guess we won't know for sure until NOAA can get out there and tag it.
There were two critters about 30 feet Lanikai side of the 1BS. They were a UF unidentified, juvenile to sub-adult size, yellowish female belly and 2 tags.  Nearby was an UM unidentified, sub-adult to adult size, darker male belly with a greenish tinge and tow tags. 
At 11:30 the UM entered the water and about 15 minutes later, he joined P01. Then about 11:55 the UF entered the water and later joined P01 and the UM on LPB.

Team R&B started their day finding RH76 Kala alone and snoozing. There were some folks fishing right there and she was aware of their presence, kept checking on them.  She galumphed up higher and to the right where the fishermen had left their gear.  Later when they went to recheck on her she was gone.

Today was the first day they opened Ka'ena West gates and Team R&B went to check it out. The beaches were full of people, loose dogs, swimmers, divers, surfers and fishers. The walk was nice but hot. The first seal seen was RW02 PvKauai in shallow pond snoozing. He was on his side flippers stretched on the rocks and tags showing.
The next find was little RL98 Lina whose tag is unreadable. She was pretty much hidden which was good that she was out of sight.

Team R&B were heading out from their Ka'ena West trek and they
passed the last dip and saw a seal being harassed. They immediately pulled over and ran over to these people messing with RN14 Kalani. He was barking and leaping at the a lady who thought this was so funny.  The other woman was with a child and kept inching their way closer and closer to Kalani. They called and reported to the hotline. It's extremely frustrating seeing this kind of thing continuing to happen day after day. 

U/F and U/M
P01, U/M and U/F
RH76 Kala
RN14 Kalani

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