Lesley's update from Tuesday:
Yesterday was a busy long day, added to that I sighted and documented 10 HMSeals
The day started with RL42 Leia and RG28 Lefty on a beach. The boy PESTERED mom up and down the beach in and out of the water. Finally at sunset he listened to her and got lost. Also RE74 Benny had showed up in the late afternoon and wasn't welcome.
Back mid morning I spotted RN58 Luana on a reef being splashed by waves. When I checked again in the afternoon she was no longer there.
RL98 Lina was sleeping peacefully on a reef
Further RJ40 (F) and RO40 Ka'ena were hauled out side by side. Then RL74 Kami and R407 Kawika were side by side and had a flash visit by RN04 Kainoa that wasn't welcome by Kawika and left as fast as his flippers could take him
More soon - Be Safe 

Lesley's Video from Wednesday and there is BIG NEWS! May 12, 2021 - Make sure you view full screen!
Aloha ! Yesterday, after several days on the standby we got to witness RL42 Leia give birth to P03.
Young Elena Wheeler, Lisa's daughter and Kelsey's sister was sitting patiently beside me among other people. She was using binoculars and we were going over what we would see in a birth. She called it twice, first correctly when the volume around the flipper area/lower back got bigger and shortly after she asked me is it was happening and sure enough it was. We saw the sac come out slowly and in a blink of the eyes the sac burst, and pup came out.
Elena suggested the nickname of "Puka" we talked it over with others around us yesterday and today. We all agreed that "Puka" was a cool nickname and that's how we will call it. "It" because we still don't know the sex, but the nickname chosen will go for female or male.
The important thing to keep in mind is when a seal is sighted for identification purposes what is used to report it is its cohort for now it's P03 for 2021 it means Pup-zero-three until it's permanent ID is given when tagged. Hopefully in 2022 we'll go back to PO# (Pup Oahu #)
More soon - Be Safe

Young Elena Wheeler, Lisa's daughter and Kelsey's sister was sitting patiently beside me among other people. She was using binoculars and we were going over what we would see in a birth. She called it twice, first correctly when the volume around the flipper area/lower back got bigger and shortly after she asked me is it was happening and sure enough it was. We saw the sac come out slowly and in a blink of the eyes the sac burst, and pup came out.
Elena suggested the nickname of "Puka" we talked it over with others around us yesterday and today. We all agreed that "Puka" was a cool nickname and that's how we will call it. "It" because we still don't know the sex, but the nickname chosen will go for female or male.
The important thing to keep in mind is when a seal is sighted for identification purposes what is used to report it is its cohort for now it's P03 for 2021 it means Pup-zero-three until it's permanent ID is given when tagged. Hopefully in 2022 we'll go back to PO# (Pup Oahu #)
More soon - Be Safe
photos from Tuesday
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