Monday, May 31, 2021

05/31/2021 (part 2 ) Lesley's Ka'ena Update


All thru the night we heard the surf coming up, there was a nice bump this morning and the boys went out to play. I decided to walk the beaches and check on the seals. Got several reports of a drone fishing line on the surf break and that surfers were getting snagged by it. We called DOCARE since flying drones inside the State Park is illegal. Kimo came out and showed me his arm, while on a wave the line tangled on him he though he managed to bypass it but not, it snagged his forearm. He has a big blood bruise from elbow to the back of his hand.

In the seal world I got to see three siblings RL42 Leia (b.2012 to R912 Nihoa) & P03 Puka D20RN58 Luana (b.2013 to R912 Nihoa) and RH32 Ka'ale (M b.2016 to R912 Nihoa)
More soon - Be Safe ğŸŒº

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