Here's the scoop from Kauai, sometime during the day Julia Honnet came across a little male with a N46. Not familiar with this little one, Julie contacted our pal Val who then got on the coconut network and lo and behold between Oahu, and two Kauai seal folks Kea was ID'd.

Meantime back on Oahu Team Billand had been doing their usual checks. Earlier they went to check on RK88 Puna but he wasn't around. Having said that there was lots of seal poop, which shows he left a little gift behind before taking off.
Now on their third check of the area, they found Lei Ola RH48 already in the shallows resting. Team Billand waited to see if any other critters would show up but no one did.
On their final check around 4 pm Lei Ola was still there resting with the waves surrounding her.
Since the seals aren't showing up Team Billand decided to do the do the Kaena West Trek.
AND in this evening's news warns to stay away from pregnant monk seal.... my response duh!
Interesting that this story is hitting the news, usually these things are kept quiet.
Kea RN46 visiting on Kauai
Ikea no me Kea - funky pattern on his coat
RK88 poop trail
Lei Ola RH48
RL42 Leia
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