Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 28. 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

finally the long 4 day weekend is over.
We had some good rain last night and most of the campers and visitors left. Although we still had quite a few visitors in the park.

I did the dawn patrol , several checks during the day and the last one at sunset.
RN58 "Luana" & PO2 "Kalua" D21 are doing fine. There's been long swims and long rest periods.
Mid morning we spotted a seal swimming, I thought it could be little RK40 "Napua" but it turned out to be RW02 "PVKauai". He hauled out near M&P and stayed till late afternoon.

On my monitoring towards the point I found RL42"Leia" & RR70 "RIP" tucked in behind her favorite rock. As the tide was coming up they moved to dryer grounds. I had the chance to see them from the top of a cliff after they moved and was able to document all her bleaches. She is a big seal, I couldn't believe my eyes that she's bigger than RIP who is a big seal.

The Albatross chicks a fledging fast - I included a photo of one of them on top of a bait box as if he was doing a big proclamation.   More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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