Team T&D sent a photo of PO2 from their visit on mother's day. I guess we all had the same idea, I'm just bummed our paths didn't cross.
Team Billand hit the road early morning and just before 7:30 they found RG28. He was on the rocks to the left snoozing alone. He appears healthy and had no new markers.
From 8 to 10 am Team Billand spent their time at a westside beach. Initially he was foraging doing 5 minute dives. At one point they thought maybe there was a second seal, but never actually saw one. They were able to ID R366 with all his scars and unique marking visible.
Team Billand spotted R366 who was still foraging in the huge waves and Ka'ale joined him.
Then the two came into the area, Ka'ale RH32 was persuing R366. R366 took off and hauled out on the rocks. They argued and eventually settled down. Ka'ale is looking very large/fat and green and then there is R366 showing all his markers on each side. The lost digit on the right foreflipper is a great marker, but one wonders how this happened.
MOM! You got sand in my eye!
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