Team Billand only reported two critters today. At 6:30 am they spotted Lei Ola RH48 on the rocks all alone. Team Billand left to check other areas and when they returned to check on her again she was still alone, but now in the water hole. They left her again and came back for one final check she was very alert looking around, turning over and over. Team Billand did not see any other animals.
Finally she relaxed! Lei Ola looks to be in condition, nice coat, they sis see a marker under her left clipper, "might" be a cookie mark, but not sure.
I was at Makai Pier between 1:30 and 3:30 and during that time observed five seals. When I first arrived it was only Mom and PO4, resting quietly at the far left end of the island. I became aware of a fishing boat cruising in front to the island going from left to right. I watched two divers get into the boat, and still it remained. I would say it was there over 30 minutes and then it got close and the two dudes got into the water carrying a large grey barrel and went ashore.
Back to the seals, now focusing back to the island there were two young adult seals that hauled out next to Mom and PO4. Initially thought one was a male, but looking at photos I changed my mind and think it's a female. U/F and U/U were very energetic rolling in the shore break, barking at each
other, all seemed playful.
A pan of the island I found a very green juvenile snoozing on shore next to the large black buoy. Puts her size in perspective. I believe this to be one of the juvenile females born on Rabbit Island in 2018. I also believe to be the same little one hanging out on the island the last couple of days.
Panning back to check on Mom and pup, PO4 was nursing and the other two were gone. During the day I observed two nursing session. The pup has the nursing routine down. Day two and it knew right where to go.
Final pan of the island I found the two young adults now hauled out next to the juvenile female. At times they were a little too rambunctious for her and she tried to keep her distance. They weren't having it, and thankfully did not chase her away. They finally all settled down and fell a sleep all in a line.
Lei Ola RH48
RN14 Kalani
Rabbit Island Bad Guys
Mom & PO4
2 young adults join Mom and Pup
Little green juvenile female
U/F U/U with J/F
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