Monday, May 6, 2019

May 6, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Special Ka'ena Update

Another busy morning.
Before heading out to assess the park's roads I stopped by to check on overnighted RN58 "Luana". Just as I was about to leave RK36 "Kauai Kolohe" hauled out and galumphed up to her. There was a little vocalizing, then I witnessed one of the most touching scenes I've ever seen. RK36 "Kauai Kolohe" put his head on the side of RN58 "Luana's" belly while the pup was wiggling inside. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes then she rolled over.

I headed in to the gated area heading towards the NARS. As I was going by Alau Cove I saw a light rock. Stop reverse... that's a seal. Went around an IDed little RK40 "Napua". Hadn't seen her for a couple of weeks. She looks like a raccoon, her first molt must be around the corner. It was her !yr old BDay yesterday so it was a treat to see her today. On my way back she was still there but had moved down towards the waterline.

In the NARS I found RK40 "Holokai" doing the hippo in a tide pool. I stood between 2 rocks and used the zoom to take photos. As DB would say "lo and behold, you got that water tag, done good" - Guess DB is always looking over our shoulders.

After doing my monitoring, I started to head back under some light rain. Stopped to check  RN58 "Luana" and now there were three! Another big surprise RH32 "Ka'ale" had joined the other 2. I hadn't seen him back here for a couple of years! He was voicing around and doing guttural noises. RK36 "Kauai Kolohe" put himself between "Ka'ale" and "Luana"
While I'm writing my report Kimo comes up from surfing and says that 2 of "my kids" were down in front. Stop take a breath pick up camera and down I go.
Seals were RN58 "Luana" on one side bellow our KPt side beach access and RK36 "Kauai Kolohe" was right in front.

This was like a wild dancing chair party.

A little note to show how special today was: out of 5 seals 3 were "Nihoa's" off springs
R912 "Nihoa" or "761":
in 2012 gave birth to RL42 "Leia" (F)
in 2013 gave birth to RN58 "Luana" (F)
in 2016 gave birth to RH32 "Ka'ale" (M)
in 2016 she was found dead
in 2018 Apr 29 RN58 "Luana" gave birth to RK88 "Puna" (M)
in 2018 May 5 RL42 "Leia" gave birth to RK40 "Napua" (F)

I'm going to rest now. More tomorrow ğŸŒº
Thank you soooooo much for sharing this little history....  I know how special it is to KNOW this information, but to experience it in front of you AND know all the connections, well it doesn't get better than that!

 Great shot.... LOL  

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