Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 1, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Hadn't had one of those SEAL DAYS for a while
Started waking up to a lovely LEI DAY dawn as I went down to our front I found R353 (F) sleeping peacefully. She may have overnighted by the wallow & trail from up the beach. The TBR seals decided to do the bay crossing the last 4 seals here in front in 2 days were seen in the TBR area last week.
Next seal was R303 "BG" in BG's Pool, from there I saw a seal on Ka'ena's Flats to my surprise a deck of tags on hind flippers told me it was RE74 "Benny" - who hasn't been out here in months.
From up the hill I spotted a seal down the Runway. I zoomed in with my camera and ruled RO40 "Ka'ena" out (no transmitter or bleach), second photo showed me the ID: RW02 "PVKauai"
I hanged around the point for a while cause rain was pouring on both sides of the mountain. I got lightly showered several times this morning. A tagged seal did a swim by but didn't spend enough time for me to ID it, so a U/U is in order.
On my way back another stop at Hidden Beach and there near the waterline was a hauled out seal. It took a while for RK36 "Kauai Kolohe" to show me his ID.
As I made it out the gate and headed for a last check on Birth Beach and our front I got soaked by a passing heavy shower. From the hill I saw that R353 was still down on the beach.

In parallel to the HMS world....
As I started heading out from the gate I had a big anuenue in front of me, soon there was a second one over it: BLESSED.
The Albatross chicks are growing fast. Many of them are starting to show white chests.
On my way out this morning I heard a sound similar to thunder, looked up and saw 20 helicopters coming from the North Shore side heading towards the point than turn towards the West side. I let the Billands know they were heading that way, shortly after she spotted them. Got a txt from a friend that was towards the East side and also saw them flying by.
All morning there was some kind of chopper flying over my head.  More tomorrow ğŸŒº

 There were rainbows all over the island! 

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