Team Billand was out early looking for seals, and did see one seal foraging far off the outfall. It eas too far away to make any kind of an ID. Meanwhile they received a call about a seal hauled out at plains and off they went.
At 7:30 they arrived and found Pohaku R028 very close to the signs. They moved the signs bask without any disturbance to her. They put up ropes, which didn't stop some people walking right through anyway. Team Billand called the hotline made them aware of Access Surf group setting up and they were set up close to the Pohaku's zone.
Team Billand waited until 9 and had to leave the site.
At 1:30 Team Billand found RL42 Leia on the rocks alone, just making her way to a dryer spot. Her lovely applied bleach shining nice and bright. (thanks NOAA).
Shortly after at a different location Team Billand found RK88 Puna, he was snuggled between the rocks alone. He is still very green. Hey Puna, go home and meet your little brother Kalua!
On a recheck to one of the westside beaches they found RIP RR70 late afternoon. He was snuggled against the rocks sleeping alone. Team Billand eyed his tags, but was unable to get the photo. He is huge and looking quite healthy. This is his second day in this spot.
Team Billand did do the Ka'ena West Trek and found RK36 KauaiKolohe and RN14 Kalani at the 30 mark. Both boys were across each other, N14 to the left and RK36 to the right.
RH32 Ka'ale and his little friend crabby
R028 Pohaku
RL42 Leia
RK88 Puna
Kalani RN14
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