About 10 am Team Billand spotted RN14 Kalani at a westside beach from afar.
While checking him out they notices a second critter to the left side in the shallows. They were able to ID Lei Ola RH48.
She is looking great, no new markers, no hooks, and moved about to show her tags.
Melody went down to the beach in the morning to check and sure enough there was Rocky RH58 who had spent the night. Melody called her into the hotline, but could not stay today, as she was participating in the Manu O Ku Festival today.
Marilyn did the Rabbit Island check this afternoon. There were two seals on the island.
Left point beach was a large unknown adult female. She is pretty certain this a pregnant female based on her profile and when she moved up the beach. Marilyn suspects (and I would say bet a least one cat) that this is RB12 Sadie. Her predicted date for pupping is 5/27.
Then between the 3BS and SRI there was a juvenile (possible female). The seal had an old coat, is very green and had two tags. There appeared to be a wound/scar in the mid-dorsal side. It was hard to confirm the sex because of the green belly. There is a good chance this is one of last year's RI pups.
One of my favorite things about keeping the blog going is when I hear from folks on the mainland who had visited Hawaii, came across a monk seal and continue to follow after they go back home. Well I got an email from a woman named Bobbi, who had not only come across a seal back in 2015 when she visited Hawaii, but she also got to meet DB. Today I got an email from her letting me know she and her husband were going for a hike and spotted a seal on the beach, and then were thrilled to see it was a Mom and pup. Luana RN58 and PO2. I can understand how excited they must have been in that moment. Thank you Bobbi, for being a supporter, and thank you for sharing your experience today.
RN14 Kalani
Lei Ola RH48
RN14 & Lei Ola
PO2 and Luana
Rocky RH58
Rabbit Island Adult female (Sadie?)
unknown juvenile
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