Team Billand was at the outfall before 7 am this morning. They saw a seal who they ID'd RH32 Ka'ale foraging. They were told by the fishermen he had been there since 6 am and being a butthead stealing their catch. While Team Billand was there they actually witnessed him in action, fast and furious and a little too smart for his own good. One poor guy lost four of his akule to him. ( Thank goodness for all the outreach Team Billand has done over the years with the fishermen). The good news is Ka'ale doesn't just steal the fish, he was seen catching his own chasing the fish into the rocks. They left the sight at 8:30 am and went back to the area at 9:30 and found Ka'ale alone sleeping looking very innocent. HA !! Actually looks pretty fat and happy.
Next stop to westside beach they found RL42 Leia enjoying her siesta alone on the rocks. No butthead brother to bother her. She is looking healthy nice and plump.
Then Team Billand headed off to one more beach before having to meet with the repairman. That is when they found Lei Ola RH48 just after 12. She was on her side, fishing line trailing out of her mouth. She galumphs to the shallow hole to cool off. Tide is rising so she moves again out of the shallow pond.
The line is from the left corner of her mouth, hook is still a little visible from the shank part and above. No barb is seen. Lei Ola did toss her head up in the air a couple of times as she galumphed over the rocks. Other than that she appears to be comfortable and resting peacefully on her side.
Team Billand called and updated the NOAA Team and volunteer Melina came out to the site.
Guess who's back at the outfall?
After pigging out all morning - resting his big belly
DLNR out cruising the shoreline
Lei Ola RH48
RL42 Leia
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