Team Billand arrived at the outfall at 6 in the morning and spotted two seals. The critters were in and out and went further out. They were ID'd Kekoa Alii RK72 and Kalani RN14.
About an hour later after leaving the outfall Team Billand found Kalani on the rocks at a nearby beach. He was alone and after waiting around no one else came in.
While on their way to the Leeward side when there was a bad accident on Farrington, so they turned around and went to run some errands,
Team Billand did make their way over to check in on Pohaku RO28 and found her roped off with volunteer Karen on site. Pohaku appears to be about 15 - 20% molted and is showing more openings on her side and back. Team Billand left the site and headed back to check on Kalani.
When they returned to Kalani RN14 he was restless and sure enough there are two seals coming into the rocks. Team Billand ID'd Kaale RH32, and Kekoa RK72. Kalani fove in the water and stays, watching the two arrive towards the right. Kaale (chubbo) was first up and Kekoa followed, but then Kaale turned around and barked ( this kid got guts).
Team Billand spotted a couple of tourist approaching and gave them a quick seal 101 so they would keep their distance. Kekoa and Kaale finally land and stay together. Kalani is to the left of them in the water watching them closely.
Rip was sleeping alone on the lower rocks, he is very green, solid green. Can't wait for him to get a new suit.
On the way to Ka'ena West Team Billand made a stop and found RL42 Leia on the rocks in a deep sleep. It was difficult to take photos and not be noticed by the people nearby so they did their best and didn't spend a lot of time there.
They were skunked on their Ka'ena west trek.
Kalani RN14
Kekoa RK72
Kaale RH32
Ka'ale and Kekoa
Kalani RN14
Lei Ola RH48
such a sweet face
RL42 Leia
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