Thursday, September 13, 2018

9/13/2018 Monk Seal Dailies (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

What a night !!! Strong rain and wind gusts, but as I stepped outside at dawn everything was OK. McPee looked like she had been dumped in the dogs water bucket.

From the driveway I saw a seal on Ka'ena's side of CE Pt. I went down our path and found R330 "Squinty" D6m (+35% at the end of the day) he had barely moved from last night spot. The seal I'd seen from the driveway was entering the water so I waited. He came swimming our way past with the looking for a pal attitude. He passed us, without noticing "Squinty". Then he started to vocalize with long barks, but "Squinty" never heard him. The seal was RG40 "Holokai" IDed by the 2 big transmitter/camera scars on his back and his new coat.

In the early afternoon I went down to check again and found "Squinty" and RW02 "PVKauai"  right in front. There was a volunteer on the beach I introduced my self and left to run an errand. Not before doing outreach with some day campers.

In the late afternoon I did another check both were still there but had moved closer to each other.
I drove in the gate to monitor the roads, just as I was driving down the first hill I saw a seal near the waterline of the Pkg Lot Beach. It was little RK88 "Puna". I made it on the nick of time to get some tag photos to ID him as he entered the water.

I looked at some of the other haul out spots but didn't see another seal.  More tomorrow ğŸŒº

looking good Squinty 

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