Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies. I also got an email from a a posse pal who has returned to the island and spent the day with Dana & Gayle! Thank you Anissa.
Team Billands next find on a westside beach was RL42 Leia. Just as they arrived they spotted her on the rocks and then the skies opened up and the rain came. They took a few pictures and left the site. On the way back from their Ka'ena West trek she was still there, but there were a couple of folks close by. She is looking healthy with her nice new coat.
Team Billand did their Ka'ena West Trek through some of the rain. Finally they spotted a seal at the
20 mark, it was RW02 PvKauai. He was chilling, alone with his tags showing. He looks good and is quite green. Seems like the critters are either GREEN or have new seal suits.
Marilyn had to head into work this morning, but on her way in she stopped by the Blow Hole and found RN46 Kea. He was ID'd by male belly, RN46 tag and natural bleach on RFF. With his coat so green his natural NBs are a little more difficult to see.
There was also an unknown male, relatively dark coat, two tags, unable to ID.
R1KT fairly light colored male, easily seen applied N3 bleach and 2 tags. (thank you NOAA)
Tony was able to see the natural bleach on PO6 and N# on R1KT from his drone photos, so they were able to back up each others findings.
Ka'ale RH32
Ka'ale imitation of a water breathing dragon
Stink Eye
okay this boy is getting REALLY fat
RL42 Leia
RW02 PvKauai
Drone Photos
Kea RN46
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