Friday, September 14, 2018

09/14/18 Monk Seal Dailies (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

This morning I met Alexis, my new working partner. She will be working here on weekends.
Although she has worked in the NARS, I had the pleasure to show her around and talk about what I do here.
We started visiting R330 "Squinty" on D7m here in front. I saw him several times thru out the day and by sunset after moving up and down & side to side during the day he was at aprox. 50% molted.
At Hidden Beach beautiful RN58 "Luana" had the beach to herself - she was still there when we came back several hours later.
RO40 "Ka'ena" was stretched out on the reef island in the middle of Main Pool at the point.

We met Tammy on her way to the point with a friend as we were heading out. We missed our hikes this week due to Olivia.

After checking the roads conditions we headed out. "Squinty" had been joined by RG40 "Holokai". Both were still there when I checked at sunset.  More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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