A gathering place for Hawaiian Monk Seal Supporters & Professionals to talk story.
Report all Sightings to 808-220-7802 or email PIFSC.monksealsighting@noaa.gov
9/10/2018 Monk Seal Dailies (part 1) RH32, RH48, RK72
Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Lesley. Lesley's complete update is part two of the dailies. Team Billand was out at the Outfall early this morning. They could see Kaale RH32 from afar. He was in and out of the the outfall, then to the right of the jetty as he followed the schools of fish. After going back and forth he finally disappeared. It was late morning when Team Billand check back in the area and found him at a nearby beach. He had landed, was alone and peaceful. Kaale is looking really fat it's a wonder he eats as much as he does. One of the local ladies told Team Billand "they" were noisy yesterday. there was a big seal fighting with the little seal. She went as far as yelling at the big seal. ( I know this is wrong, but part of me thinks it's kind of sweet that she cared). Team Billand got to a westside beach and see one seal on the rocks on its' side. They were able to ID Lei Ola RH48, but while taking her picture, a second seal appears out of the pond. This critter turns out to be Kekoa Alii RK72. They were cooling off in the water hole. Lei Ola moves out of the water and Kekoa just plays "hippo" next to her. Team Billand also captured some dolphin photos on their morning out. They cut their day short due to a major accident on the west side.
If you would like to submit information or photos please send an email to dabella50@gmail.com PHOTOS and contents may NOT be copied without permission.
Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕 Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:19 to 1:42 pm and there were three seal...
Blog Blues
I have been trying to fix the comment section that appear in the sidebar. Not sure if it's a programming issue or upgrade problem, either way comments will have to be viewed by looking at the individual post.
Mahalo for you patience.
If you would like to know more about PEIS for Hawaiian monk seal recovery actions... Please check out the following link:
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