Saturday, June 27, 2020

06/27/2020 Saturday Act-With-Care (95) Monk Seal Dailies

Aloha good people !  I hope you are are all well and staying safe.
Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Marilyn.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island for close to two hours today. Conditions were sunny but the cooler air made "hear waves" that make photographs a challenge. 
There were four seals today and there were:
Mom (presumably RB12 Sadie) and PO5 29 days old. They were on the far left of LPB where getting a decent photo is always a challenge regardless of the condition. They went for a swim for an hour.
Unknown Juvenile Female (J/F) was between 3BS and SRI near the waterline. She has an older coat and light female belly with lots of green and two tags. She is guessing this is one of the 2018 kids born on Rabbit Island.
PO1 ID'd by weaner size approached the J/F. PO1 never fully hauled out, and re-entered the water. The J/F soon followed him only to be seen briefly while in the water before they disappeared.

Team Billand spotted Kekoa Alii RK72 foraging doing 6 minute dives. He never landed during their observation nor did they see him again.
Next was RF28 who was on lower rocks at first. Something caught his attention and he began vocalizing. 
Team Billand now see four seals and they are arguing. One is Kala RH76 the other Nalu R3CX on top mid rocks. 
Then RF28 would go up to the top of mid rocks and have words with Nalu. He gave up and left for the day.

Team Billand was driving by a west side location and they could see two seals on shore by a camp site. They pulled over and quickly made their way to the site to find Kaale RH32 and Aukai RL12. Team Billand called the hotline to let them know there were campers in very close proximity.  Team Billand did their best to educate people despite their getting close to them. 
Meanwhile Kaale still did his best to make his moves on Aukai and she was wasn't having it, Kaale ended up leaving.

Early afternoon Team Billand got to another site and spotted RL20 Kalua moving up to lower rocks. He is one little green machine.

Their last find of the day was Lei Ola RH48 resting in a pond. There were lots of people at the site, crazy nuts on every beach.

mom and PO5
 J/F and PO1
 unknown juvenile female
 RF28 V28 
 RH76 Kala and R3CX Nalu
Aukai and CROWD too close

 Aukai and Kaale
 Sweet picture of the two love birds
Lei Ola RH48  molting away
 RL20 Kalua 

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