Friday, June 5, 2020

06/05/2020 Friday Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was another seal day here in front.
I checked on PO4 Kai D44 and RG28 Lefty at day brake. Kai was in the water and Lefty was sleeping. A couple of hours later I came back to the same scenario alas with several fresh foot prints near Lefty. There was a report that another adult seal had come by, there was interaction between Lefty and "the seal" before he swam away. Lefty swam towards Kai and they remained together.
I had to stay on this side to do some monitoring, later I did the tour by bike and I saw that a seal had hauled out down at CE Pt. Rode down there and found RE74 Benny sleeping peacefully. On my last check on him from across our bay I saw the people a little to near him just after I took the photo, the boy stood up, Benny turned, went down to the water and left.
From the pup site we spotted an adult seal coming from Lyman's. Lefty and Kai were in the water playing, the seal went up to them there was lots of splashing and the 3 hauled out. Lefty to one side of the beach and Kai with the big seal a little further. The big seal turned out to be RK36 Kauai Kolohe. He rolled into the water and swam back towards Lyman's where he hauled out.
At the pup site Lefty and Kai remained together 
I must say there wasn't a dull moment watching those seals today.  More tomorrow 

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