Monday, June 8, 2020

06/08/2020 Monday Act-With-Care (76) Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Melody and Lesley.  Lesley's update is from Saturday (sorry it's late but there was an email glitch) I blame the star link passing over.

Team Billand was thrilled and surprise to find Lei Ola RH48 this morning.  She was at a location that she may have been seen there only once before. Her tags were visible so they got a positive ID. She is looking very plump and green.
Team Billand lost a friend who frequented this area, so this was especially meaningful for them. I am sorry for your loss my friends. 
Turns out Lei Ola was their only seal today. They had an appointment so they weren't out on the beaches. While waiting Barbara did find an capture some fairy terns in a tree, along with a little fluffy chick.

Melody spent time visiting with Nohea PO2 today. When she first arrived the kid was no where in sight. She went up and down the area checking all the nooks and crannies. As she was heading back to her car posse pal Gayle flagged her down to let her know the kid was on the move and changed her location. The two of them went to look and was told Nohea had been along the shoreline foraging. The tide was rising and surf was really high which made them wonder if she would stay in the area. After an hour or so she dove down and they lost sight of her and reappeared a little later.  This girl is keeping everyone on their toes.   Nohea finally settled in for a nap. Melody and Gayle stayed stayed until mid afternoon. Knowing Gayle she'll be checking on the kid again.

how cute is this little one?  
 Lei Ola RH48
Nohea PO2
 weaner snack of choice or just something to play with 
 Look no cavities

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