Thursday, June 25, 2020

06/24/2020 Wednesday Act-With-Care (92) Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Melody.  I hope you are all doing well and staying safe.

Melody came out to the east side this afternoon to visit with Nohea. When she first arrived she ran into N06/07. This is the first time they met, and just as a reminder he's pretty new to Oahu. He's a Molokai kid born in 2013.  
Then there was the irresistible Nohea.  She had been out earlier swimming in the surf going pretty far out. Maybe if she catches up with N06 she might follow him to unknown places :-) 
For now Nohea was in full snooze mode doing an occasional flipper flap, and all the usual cute weaner stuff.  Then the rains came and cut Melody's visit short. 

Team Billand was out before 7 am when the spotted two seals. They found Ka'ale RH32 and Aukai RL12 together hauled out. There was a couple sitting on the sand looking at the seals. They didn't disturb them but were a little too close for comfort.
Aukai RL12 galumphed into the water looking around. She appears to have more scratches on her back. Kaale and she took off in an unknown direction.
Team Billand left and headed over to the outfall and spotted them there. Of course Ka'ale couldn't resist and was stealing some fish.

Team Billand continued their exploring and found Kala RH76 and Benny RE74,  Kala was snoozing on the reef looking very large.  Looking a little closer they now see that Benny is there by her. Both are looking to be in good health, good body condition and no new markers.

Kala moved over the rocks to the lower reef and this sent Benny from snooze mode to panic.  He was barking, moaning looking up and sniffing. Kala turned to look at him (as if to say Calm down I am right here). Benny headed over to her in lightening speed. He sniffed her out and then settled. Kala just slept, and Benny marked his territory with a big poop.

After spotting RL20 foraging off shore near Kala and Benny they went back to a spot they had seen several seals fighting yesterday. They were thrilled to find RL20 Kalua snoozing alone on the rocks. He was still there on their recheck.
 Nohea N2
Ka'ale RH32
 Ka'ale @ outfall
 Aukai RL12 
 Kala RH76 and Benny
 Benny and Kala
RL20 Kalua

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