Monday, June 15, 2020

06/15/2020 Monday Act-With-Care (83) Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Lesley.  Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies. 

I just want to note there are a couple of stories floating around on social media about a human interaction with the seal on the west side, and another story about a truck driving on the beach very close to Nohea.  No seals were hurt, although I am sure several caretakers have a lot more grey hair. 
AS information is available I will post, but until then I only know what I have been told and a video seen on instagram.  
What I will say about both these incidents is, it does appear "community" people immediately stepped up on behalf of the seals. Not to say the carelessness of the others, it does make me feel good that the general public are stepping up.

Team Billand first find of the day was RH76 Kala and RL20 Kalua both hauled out. Kalua RL20 made his way to RH76 Kala who was being very gentle and kind.  Kalua L20 started to smell her and press his snout on her neck, she responded with a whoop and then he stopped.
This went on for a while until L20 got too annoying and H76 gave him a shove. He slipped into the water and then wiggled his way back to her. H76 Kala then galumphed away from him, and the kid L20 Kalua insisted on following her. They once again landed on the rocks and stayed there together.
Team Billand left to check on other seals.

At 9 am Team Billand found da Benny RE74 at KoOlina. He was already roped off with signs.  They checked him carefully wondering if there were any bites/scratches from his battle with Ka'ale the other day. Looks like he might have a couple of scratches out of the battle but is fine.
Benny was resting peacefully, there were a few people that came by, but they didn't stay.  Team Billand gave them a quick Benny 101 lesson.

When they left the site they checked a couple of beaches along the way and came up empty. They did
see dolphins playing in the water until humans found them and then they were gone.

They went back to check on Kalua RL20 and Kala H76 and only found Kalua L20 alone. They stay for a while to see if any other seals would show up and to make sure no one bugged the kid.  All was good, no one bothered L20 and no other seals arrived. Kalua did his best to stay on the rocks as the waves were coming in and pushing him about. He finally wedged himself so he was secure. Smart little buggah.
RH76 Kala and RL20 Kalua 
 RL20 Kalua

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