Wednesday, June 3, 2020

06/03/2020 Wednesday Safe-At-Home (71) Monk Seal Dailies

Aloha Good People,  I hope you are all well, and safe.

Here's a link to a story that aired on KITV regarding off-leash dogs pose a threat to seals resting on the beach. Last week Nohea was approached by two off leash dogs, the owner was close by and did respond when volunteer waved her down.

Team Billand was out on the west side and only had one sighting today.  They spotted Kawena RH36 resting on the rocks. They were able to observe her for a bit watching the waves busting over her. She stayed holding in place on the rocks. They noticed a scratch on her nose, nothing of concern. 

Team Billand checked several other locations and came up empty. They noted when they were massive wave action at Makaha. Waves came over crossing Farrington Highway. Many cars were flying by getting away from the amount of water on the road, not to mention all the sand.

Kawena RH36 
 Look at this! Glad there were no seals around

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