Friday, June 7, 2019

June 7, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and in the yesterday's news department we have an update from posse pal Vicki.

In the YESTERDAY's News department Vicki was up on the north shore and spent time visiting with Honey Girl R5AY and PO3. During her visit they had an extended swimming session. PO3 tried to call it quits several times only to have Mom bark at him to get back in the water.  I am sure this was entertaining to watch.

When Vicki was leaving the area she had paused along the shore line and what she originally thought was a log until she looked a little closer and there were two seals. A large adult and a smaller seal with tag RN05 which is none other than Kainoa, one of the Rabbit Island pups. How cool is that? 
Upon checking her photos the larger seal female looks to be Right Spot R016.  She's looking very plump these days.

Kainoa had been snoozing and when he woke, Right Spot was gone. 
The kid seemed to panic, as he became very vocal and checking up and down the beach. He even hauled out in front of some people sitting on the beach, checked them out turned around and went back into the water.  All this time being very vocal, poor kid, wonder where he'll end up next?

In Today's News: Team Billand was out before 7 am and at their stop on the westside they found RG28 coming in, landed and stayed in place for the day. They did many checks during the day on him and he remained alone.

Team Billand spent a large part of the day looking for Ka'ale today with no luck. Today is the butthead's birthday. He's THREE ! 

At 8:30 they were passing Campbells and watched an UU foraging doing 8 minute dives. The critter was an adult size, green, with a mark on its head and on it's shoulders. 

Checking another westside location they came across Lei Ola RH48. She was snoozing on lower rocks alone. Her tags were visible and fat belly. On their last check she was in the water hole snoozing alone.

PO3 and Honey Girl 
 RN05 Kainoa and Right Spot R016
 Right Spot R016 
 Kainoa  RN05
 poor kid was frantic
 are you my friend?
 UU at Campbells
 Lei Ola RH48

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