Wednesday, June 26, 2019

June 26 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Hope everybody is safe and dry after last nights downpour. The rain finally came our way, we really needed it but what a soak.
My first though after the first 2 hours was we  might have to close the park gate, then after tossing and turning during the night the "might" turned into "have to".
As I was going down the drive way I saw a Jeep stuck on the beach. "What the....!" needless to say the next couple of hours were a nightmare.
3 seals, a jeep and soaked roads.
All were taken care of.

First seal was RK88 "Puna", next was RK40 "Napua" and later RL20 "Kalua" D50 (yesterday he turned 7 wks old).
Unfortunately today was one of those days when humans left their common sense at home/hotel and came out to the beach. For us out there on the sand, it was a day full of outreach and self control on the highest level ever. 

Today I don't feel like saying more tomorrow, but I hope for a better day tomorrow ðŸŒº

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