Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June 12, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Melody (who tagged along with Barbara and Robert today), Posse Pal Anissa, and Lesley. Lesley's seven seal day is part two of the dailies.

An email from Posse pal Anissa brought word that she spent the day with RK28 KC at MCBH today. She was resting peacefully and looking quite plump.

Team Billand got to Lagoon 4 where they spotted a seal swimming on the right, disappeared for a moment, until Team Billand was able to get another view. 
They spotted the seal coming up on the rocks on the ocean side.  They went over to the rocks, two security ran by closer to the haul out site pointing. Team Billand were able to ID Pohaku RO28 by her cookie scar. 
A volunteer arrived and Team Billand informed them it was Pohaku.  Pohaku is looking large and quite beautiful. 
This is where Melody met up with Team Billand and hung out with them for the day. 

Next stop for Team Billand and Melody was a westside beach they spotted Lei Ola RH48 on the lower rocks, tucked in nice and snug. Team Billand let Melody know who the seal was and they waited for Lei Ola to move, which she took her sweet time. She moved up higher on the rocks. 
Finally after two hours they left the site to head out to Ka'ena West.

The group started their walk to Ka'ena West at 11:40 and when they started there was a cool breeze. Unfortunately they never saw a single seal anywhere, but they did stop to listen and watch the whale rock. ( Thank you Melody for the video for the rest of us to enjoy)
By 1:30 they were done with their walk and it was hot.

The group decided to head back to check on Lei Ola, and were surprise to see there were two seals.
Looks like Lei Ola has company, none other than Ka'ale RH32. They are both the same age it's nice to see them hanging out together. Wonder if they will be the "new Irma and Kermit".  Ka'ale is the fatter and greener of the two, but Lei Ola has a healthy girth and nice clean coat, with a mint green face.

Melody headed out at 3 and Team Billand stayed to watch two of their favorite critters. Lei Ola occasionally gave Ka'ale a small kick with her hind flippers. Ka'ale was a gentleman and there was no head butting, but never taking his eyes off her.

 Pohaku RO28 
Lei Ola RH48
 Ka'ale RH32 - fat and green
 Ka'ale and Lei Ola
Melody's photo of RG28 from Tuesday
 And Melody's photo of his Mom RO28 Pohaku 
 Lei Ola
 Lei Ola and Ka'ale
Video of Whale Rock

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