Thursday, June 20, 2019

June 20, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand.

Team Billand first find was at 7:20 am when they stopped at a westside beach. They saw RIP RR70 coming into the area, looking and then all of sudden took off. They never saw him again, but was able to get a good enough look to see he's looking healthy.

They spotted another seal coming in, it was RG28 and he hauls up on lower rocks. His tags were visible and all his cookie scars were showing. Later he went into the very shallow water to cool off from the hot sun. 
On their next check RG28 was gone, this was 2 pm.

Team Billand was sitting looking for any other critters to show up, they heard sounds of a seal, thinking it was RG28, but it wasn't. To the right on mid rocks they spotted a head and flippers. It was our 3 year old girl Kawena RH36.  
She was dry so she had been there for a bit and Team Billand never spotted her.  She was in a spot that is really hard to see or get a good photo, but finally they confirmed her tags.  They spent a lot of time moving from the left, right trying to get some pictures of her. As confirmed previously no hook, no line.

If seeing this bathing beauty wasn't enough, while sitting, Team Billand see another seal just laying there with it's head on the rocks in the shallows. It's Lei Ola, she galumphs up on lower rocks and stays there.  Even though it was super hot out there, there was a party going on.

RG28 doesn't see her at all, he is sleeping. Once in a while he moves but not a clue the girls are in the neighborhood.

Team Billand headed out to check out other sites, and when going past Yoks they spotted two seals and went to check it out. This was just after 1:30 pm, there was RN14 looking very big and beside him was RL42 Leia. No one was around and the seal were sleeping on a small sandy patch. Interestingly there were two signs up. Team Billand didn't want to stay, as to not attract attention to the critters. Both animals are looking quite healthy and LARGE.

Team Billand went back to check on Lei ola, Kawena and RG28. When they got there to their surprise, there was Ka'ale RH32 with Lei Ola, in the water hole that they all love. Ka'ale is large and green compared to Lei Ola who is on her back next to him in the watering hole.  Lei Ola galumphs out of the hole onto the rocks, Ka'ale follows her and both rest on lower rocks in peace.

Meantime Kawena remains on mid rock moving higher up due to the rising tide.

Kawena RH36
 Lei Ola RH48
Kalani RN14&RL42 Leia
Ka'ale RH32 & Lei Ola RH48
 Sweet Kawena

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