Monday, June 10, 2019

June 10, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand. 

Early this morning Team Billand headed Ka'ena west and found a lay net wrapped around a pole and the rest of the net on the rocks.  Team Billand called the hotline right away to see if there was someone that could remove it.
There were no seals during their hike out to Ka'ena West and went back to the Lay Net, it was still there and thankfully no seals.
Team Billand got a call from a friend at KoOlina, so the they headed over.  They did call the DLNR, which had a full mail box, called DOCARE and left a message, no one in at 6:45am. 

At 8:40 am Team Billand stopped by the outfall and spotted a seal swimming in, and it was non other than Ka'ale RH32. According to the fishermen he stole six fish from them earlier. Ka'ale left the outfall and they lost sight of him. Ka'ale then headed over to a nearby haul out and landed on the rocks. He was alone, his tags were showing, he has no hooks, lines or new markers. 
On their recheck at 11 he was still there on the rocks.

Team Billand made it to KoOlina by 9:15 am, they were told Benny landed at 7 am. Volunteer Melina was on site and Team Billand's friend said he put out 6 signs. Benny was on shore to the left.
About 10:30 Benny entered the water swam to the Luau side, cruised there along the shore then to the rocks checking if anyone was there.  He turned, and Team Billand mentioned to Melina he's coming back, so they scurried to move the signs and sure enough he landed again and stayed.

Team Billand had left Ko'Olina ran some errands and headed back to the beaches on the west side. They found Lei Ola RH48 just before 1 pm. She was on the rocks snoozing alone.
She moved around and headed to the water hole, once she went in it was hard to photograph her. She is looking good and doing just fine.

 net on the rocks with pole attached
 Ka'ale at the outfall 
 Ka'ale hauling out with a full belly
 Benny RE74
Lei Ola RH48

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