Wednesday, June 19, 2019

June 19, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Lesley. Lesley's update is part to of the dailies and brings news of weaner PO2 getting his bling.

Team Billand found RH32 Ka'ale snoozing at 6:30 this morning at a west side beach.  They noted although he was alone and snoozing there was a lot of poop, not to mention he rook a pee.  His only company were the crabs hanging around him. 
They checked on him again at 10:30 Ka'ale was no longer at this site.

Team Billand went to the outfall at 7:30 am and didn't see anything, but noticed the NOAA team at the jetty looking. They went over to investigate and saw a laynet on shore with a man rolling it up.
Cianna told them the net was in water and they spoke with the guy to remove the net, because it's the area where the seal forage. It was good NOAA was there to talk with the families about the dangers of the net and the seals.  

Meanwhile a seal with a green snout, clean body and red tags was still foraging where the net had been. Team Billand ID'd the seal as Lei Ola, who had a balloon fish and was playing with it for a very long time. She was doing 4 to 5 minute dives.  There were no other seals seen at this site, and this seal never hauled out. Team Billand headed out for their next stop.

Team Billand's last find of the day came just after 10:20 at a west side site. They found RG28 in his water hole, hardly visible, so they stayed for 2 hours waiting for some movement.
HE did move about a lot in the hole, on his belly, on his side, tossing his hind flippers about to move to another position. Unfortunately it got so hot they had to leave.
They came back around 3 pm, RG28 was still there but now in the "play boy" pond, blowing bubbles, fish nibbling at his body, totally looking relaxed.

Ka'ale RH32 
 and this is what a seal taking a pee looks like
 covered in poo
 Lei Ola playing with a blowfish

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