Friday, June 21, 2019

June 21, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Lesley, Marilyn and posse pal Vicki. Lesley's Ka'ena Update is part 2 of the dailies.

Both Vicki and Marilyn brought news of Kaiwi's molt at Outrigger Canoe Club. Vicki was there at 6 am and Marilyn checked in with her around 8 am.  
Apparently Kaiwi doesn't much care she is in the middle of a very busy area. I am sure there are some who are not happy she has chosen this spot to molt. 

Just before 7 am Team Billand checked the westside location where all the action was yesterday. Upon arrival they found RG28 who had just hauled out on lower rocks alone. They sat for a while to see if anyone else would show up. Nobody did so they went to check other areas.

On a recheck at 9 am, there were three seals at the site. RG28 was in the shallows looking to haul out again. Ka'ale RH32 was with RH48 Lei Ola on lower rocks.  Ka'ale argued with RG28 when he was attempting to haul out. 
Lei Ola took this opportunity to escape and made a dash for the water hole. Butt head Ka'ale followed her.  
The three spent the day at the site, Ka'ale and Lei Ola in the waterhole and RG28 stayed to the right of them.

Team Billand spent time checking all along the coast line pretty much coming up empty until just before 1 pm they spotted a seal at Yoks. They went to investigate and there was RN14 Kalani alone on a sandy patch. There were no signs today, just one lone critter snoozing the day away. 
They did the Ka'ena West Trek and came up empty.
Upon their return RN14 Kalani was still there in the exact same spot.

Team Billand returned once again to check on the trio at 2:30 pm and RG28 was still to the right, while Ka'ale and Lei Ola are arguing. Lei Ola give Ka'ale a good flipper slap, it's done, he galumphs out of the hole and goes to RG28. They greet each other very friendly, but that doesn't last long. The two boys have a spat, and Ka'ale returns to Lei Ola in the water hole.  Poor Ka'ale isn't welcomed so he leaves.  RG28 remains with Lei Ola for the rest of the day.

LATE email brings news of Honey Girl R5AY and PO3. Posse Pal Vicki headed up to the north shore this afternoon and had a visit with Honey Girl and PO3 at Day 40.  PO3 is growing and very vocal, but Honey Girl is a tough Momma, she knows how to handle him. We're probably getting close to a weaner soon, but only Honey Girl knows when she's ready.

Kaiwi (poor girl) at 6 AM
 Kaiwi at 8 am 
Ka'ale and Lei Ola - RG28 coming up
 Lei Ola and Mr. Green
 RN14 Kalani
Trio in the afternoon battling it out for peace and quiet
 the culprit.... Ka'ale

Honey Girl and PO3

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