Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30, 2024 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:10 to 2:50 pm and there five seals on island and no humans.
On the beach near the LPB surge channel was RH76 Kala and her pup PO8. Marilyn only had a front view of them for her entire viewing session. At 2:19 pm, she saw they had entered the water in the surge channel and went for a swim. They did not haul out again during her watch.
In the middle of LPB was a molting RK37 Huia. She only got a brief
look at her ventral side and would estimate her molt at about 35%. She was ID'd by adult size, older coat and two red tags.
At 1:45 pm, Marilyn became aware that RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 were hauling out on the 1BS side of LPB. Marilyn described PO3 galumphing up the beach as "blubber butt". Although the nickname Manapua still comes to mind. He has now nursed on Aukai for four weeks after being nursed by his mom RF34 Pua for six weeks.  Aukai still looks large so one wonders how much longer they will be together.

Team R&B checked out the west side with very little luck. They found one seal at Kahe. TM31 Kai was alone on the rocks snoozing.  Guess his buddies from yesterday were off to other locations.

Since there wasn't much happening on the west side they took another drive out to visit with Rocky and P10.
When they arrived they saw five turtles, the waves were pushing them about and they just came back sometimes they were tossed upside
Rocky RH58 and P10 were basically in the same spot as yesterday. They were in snooze mode for the entire time Team R&B were there.
Team R&B noted quite a few more pukas in the fencing, hopefully someone will repair it .

Rabbit Island
RH58 & P10

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