Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24, 2024 (part 2) Rabbit Island

Here is Marilyn's Rabbit Island Update:

I viewed Rabbit Island from Makai Pier from 1:35 and 4:00 pm. It was mostly sunny with frequWhent passing clouds and moderate winds.

There were ultimately six HMS and two fisherman on RI during my viewing session.

When I first started viewing RI, there was only one HMS in sight. It was RK37 Huia who was snoozing on rock flats near SRI. She later moved up onto the beach. She was ID'd by her adult size, older coat, cream-colored female belly, at least one red tag and the nb on her lower left side. She was aware of the two kayak fisherman who landed not far from her at 1:53 pm. After the fisherman had traversed the whole island, they decided to throw net near her and she entered the water at 3:48 pm. She then swam in the Lanikai direction and hauled out between the UJ and RL12 and PO3 on LPB at 3:57 pm. Then she galumphed up and around the UJ and headed to the back of the beach.

Both Moms and pups were swimming when I started viewing. At about 2:03 pm, RH76 Kala and her pup PO8 hauled out on the waterfront rocks a short distance Lanikai side of 2BS. The pup nursed and then went into snooze mode. Kala was not pleased when the two fisherman walked near her and pup. She appeared to vocalize. When the fisherman came back by later she looked at them but did not vocalize.

I saw RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 in the water briefly. Then at about 2:30 pm they hauled out on the 1BS side of LPB. The pup nursed and then
went into snooze mode. Aukai did react when the fishermen walked by. Shortly thereafter she charged a small seal at the waterline.

A short time later at about 3 pm the Unknown Juvenile (UJ) hauled out in the middle of LPB. Aukai kept her eye on the UJ but did not bother her again. The UJ was juvenile size with two red tags. I never got a ventral view so I don't know the seals sex.

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