Friday, June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:20 to 2:40 and there were five seals seen during that time.
Kala RH76 and PO8 were on shore between 1BS and 2BS. They were mostly in snooze mode, but Marilyn did see one nursing session. PO8 is four weeks old as of June 27th. PO8 seems to be putting on the pounds and Kala still seems to have adequate reserves.
Marilyn saw PO3 in the water offshore of Kala and PO8, but had not seen RL12 Aukai until around 2:25 pm. Aukai and her adopted pup
PO3 hauled out on the 3BS side of Middle Cliff. Aukai soon moved behind waterfront rocks and was completely hidden, but Marilyn could still see the top of PO3's back and he seemed to be nursing.
There was an Unknown Adult on the rock flats next to SRI. Marilyn thinks this seal has started molting on its left chest area. Her guess is this is RK37 who looks to be about 10% into the molt. Since she didn't see her belly or nb on left side, Marilyn could not confirm.
Both Masked Booby parents were with the chick today.

Team R&B were at the bay watching the dolphins and the boats filled with passengers. The dolphins were right up near the feet of the passengers who were thrilled to have the close encounter. While watching dolphins they spotted a seal swimming by. They got a couple of quick pics but were not able to get an ID.

Stopping at Kahe they found only one seal. It was Kai RM31 alone on the rocks. 

The only other seal they found today was R3CX Nalu. He was alone today without the company of a female. 

Rabbit Island

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