Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:43 to 1:53 and there were six seals seen during that time.
Out near SRI were two seals:
Unknown Unknown: this seal was in a tide pool in the rock flat and Marilyn never got much of a view. She suspects this is a smaller seal based on the size of the LFF compared to the front flipper of the nearby Adult Female. 
Adult Female: adult size, creamy gold female belly and at least one red tag. This may be RK37 Huia who was on Rabbit Island yesterday. 
The moms and pups were swimming when Marilyn arrived. Marilyn thinks the moms got close to each and seems Kala RH76 wasn't happy about it. A short time later Kala and PO8 did a partial haul out but the pup really couldn't nurse because mom was partly in the water and PO8 kept getting washed. They finally moved further up the rocks
Aukai RL12 and her adopted pup PO3 were in the water. Later they hauled out briefly on the waterline near 1BS and PO3 nursed. Then they were gone.

Team R&B started off at the outfall and spent quite a bit of time trying to ID two seals. The two critters were in the outfall busy playing and fighting. Eventually they moved to electric beach, off shore still fighting.  This gave Team R&B an opportunity to ID RL20 Kalua and RM31 Kai.  
Team R&B lost track of them once they moved on.

They went looking for the boys, headed over to tracks and waited. They heard someone with a very loud whistle, some woman calling the seals (okay this is a first).
Then Team R&B went back to the outfall and talked with the fishers. The fishers told them the woman often whistles for the seals. While talking with the fishers they noticed a seal on shore from afar. They made the long walk over to find RM31 Kai resting.  Then the dogs from the camp came out and Team R&B left for their safety.

As they were going back they noticed a seal had hauled up on shore. They were happy and surprised to see it was RL20 Kalua. They were amazed that after three hours of tracking the boys they were able to find them.

Lastly it took some searching at the cliffs but they found one last seal. It was RM31's little brother RP30 Puka.

Rabbit Island
RL20 & RM31 

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