Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:44 to 2:53 pm and there were five seals seen during that time.
Marilyn did see Aukai RL12 and her adopted pup PO3 in the water between 1BS and 2BS, but they did not haul out while she was viewing. She saw PO3 doing several dives with his flippers in the air. Also she saw RL12 vocalizing when she lost sight of him.  (Marilyn wasn't able to get any photos of the two).
RH76 Kala and PO8 were sometimes near RL12 and PO3. Kala
nursed PO8 on the waterline and then they went back for a swim. Later they hauled out and moved up shore for a snooze.
At 2:07 pm Marilyn became aware of a seal hauled out on the rock flats Lanikai side of SRI. At 2:36 pm she saw that the seal had left. Then at 2:48 pm, a seal labeled RK37 hauled out at LPB. RK37 Huia was identified by her adult size, sand-covered female belly, two red tags and a NB on her lower left side.

Team R&B were out at the bay not finding any seals, so they hung out and watched the dolphins. The seals seem to be hiding out today.
Then out of no where they spotted something towards the area. Hooray it was a seal, it looked around the area and then cautiously came into the rocks.
Two people came by and Team R&B warned them of the seal coming in, well a lot of good that did. They walked down to the area with their cell phones in hand. Team R&B told them to give the seal room to come in and stay at least 50 feet away.  They weren't happy.
It was R3CX Nalu, they saw his signature bleach spot on the left side of his face and his tags.  R3CX saw the people so he stayed put, but kept an eye on them. The folks finally left, only to have the "chanters" arrive.  As soon as they belted out IMUA, Naly left but stayed close by foraging in the area.

From there they headed out to the south west quadrant, but no luck, just lots of people everywhere.
Lastly they stopped at Kahe Point where they were thrilled to see three seals sound a sleep.  They headed over very quietly to not draw any attention to the seals. There were several folks in the area so they didn't want them to see the seals on the rocks. The trio were lined up: RL20 Kalua, mid section was RM31 Kai and the third seal was Miss Lei Ola RH48.

Rabbit Island

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