Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn had a short viewing session today, she viewed Rabbit Island from 4:05 to 4:40 pm and the moms and pups were the only seals seen during that time.
RH76 Kala and her pup PO8 were already moving up from their now favorite tide pool in the Middle Cliff area. They moved up and had a short snooze before PO8 decided to be a rascal and to move down closer to the water. Kala kept a close eye on her pup and vocalized several time. Ultimately the pup turned around and started moving back up. Both Mom and pup seem to be doing fine.
RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 were again mostly hidden behind the waterfront rocks on the 3BS of the Middle Cliff Beach. Then they both moved further up the beach where Marilyn could get a look at them. They both seem to be doing fine and PO3 is getting rounder.

Team R&B started their day at the bay, where they spotted a seal off the rocks foraging in the huge surf. The glare from the sun was bad making getting a good look or photos for an ID difficult. They know the seal was adult size and doing 6 minute dives. They saw red tags, but couldn't get a pic of them. The waves consumed the entire area. 

Arriving at track they once again saw the beautiful 100% molted KG54. They were happy to finally get a tag shot, even though it took lots of patience and persistence. 
KG54 was moving about, but the bushes and other elements got in Team R&B's way of capturing most of it. She is doing just fine.

Heading over to the outfall they looked over the area and saw what was left of the Akule school. Then they saw two seals pop out of
the water fighting with each other. Team R&B was able to ID RL20 Kalua who seems to be taking over the area. The best they could tell the other seal was an adult, clean with red tags. The two seals took off. Team R&B waited hoping they would return but they didn't.

Rabbit Island
Unknown Adult 
Unknown Unidentified

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