Saturday, June 8, 2024

June 8, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn still hasn't been able to retrieve the photos from yesterday. She did view Rabbit Island from 10:27 to 11:06 am and then again from 1:28 to 2:06 pm. Tracy was with Marilyn during the morning session.
There were the fab four seen today, two moms and two pups.
About 15 feet Lanikai side of the 2BS was RH76 Kala and her pup PO8. They were nursing on the waterline when they first started viewing and soon started moving up the beach. Marilyn also saw another nursing session when she went back a second time.
RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 were initially in the water but soon hauled out onto the beach at Middle Cliff. They went back into the water with PO3 leading the way. When Marilyn returned in the afternoon Aukai and PO3 were in snooze mode. PO3 did show his light male belly.

Team R&B arrived at electric beach and saw a pair of seals high up on shore. They were on their way to pickup junior sealette so they couldn't stay. They tried to make an ID from afar, but couldn't be sure. They also saw another seal foraging off the outfall area. They think this might have been RL20 but again they had to leave and the seal was too far away to make a positive ID.
They did return and the two seals were still on shore, but now people were on the beach as well. They were able to ID R604 was the female and the male was Kainoa RN04. His applied bleach was visible.
They had suspected earlier these were the two seals, nice they were able to confirm it.

That was the it for their day. With so many people out on the beaches they were happy to have found the pair.

Rabbit Island
RN04 & R604

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