Saturday, June 22, 2024

June 22, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:25 to 2:10 and there were six seals seen during that time.
Between 1BS and 2BS were Aukai RL12 and her adopted pup PO3. They were mostly snoozing. Then about 1:13 pm they had entered the water and Marilyn did not see them again.
Closer to the 2BS were Kala RH76 and PO8. Kala seems to get in the most difficult places for the pup to nurse, but PO8 managed anyway. Both Mom and pup seem to be doing just fine.
Almost directly down from the 3BS was a Sub-adult Female: sub-adult to small adult size, cream colored female belly and at least one red tag. 
Further alone the beach toward SRI was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, gray female belly with some green and two red tags.
At 1:21 pm the throw net fisherman arrived between the JF and SRI on his blue kayak. He got into his wet suit and then walked in the Makapuu direction to throw his net.  This was reported to DOCARE via tip line and Marilyn will follow up with written report.

Team R&B pretty much spent their day in and around the outfall area. They became aware of a lot of splashing.  From afar they could see there were seals out there along with snorkelers in the water taking videos. 
Team R&B drove over to get closer to the site and found three seals fighting with each other. When they weren't fighting they were stealing fish, but mostly fighting. They were able to ID three of the seals as: RM31 Kai, RL20 Kalua and RH32 Kaale.
If that wasn't enough excitement they saw a fourth seal come into the area. They just couldn't ID the fourth seal as it stayed in lower water.
But there was lots of excitement between the four. Team R&B took several pictures of the seals some without keeping their ID's since there was so much movement between them. Even the fishers were amazed by all the activity.

Rabbit Island
Seal Party

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