Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 9, 2024 Sundays' Dailies

Today dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕 

I got an email from a couple Sunny and Michael. The photo was from Friday of a seal at Dukes Beach Waikiki. If anyone has any clues who this critter is let me know.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:30 to  2:00 pm. There were six seals seen during that time.
Kala RH76 and PO8 were on the waterline and they went for a 10 minute swim and hauled out almost directly down from the 2BS. They slowly moved a bit more in the Makapuu direction.
Aukai RL12 and her adopted pup P03 were apparently swimming for the first half hour. They finally hauled out at the beach at Middle Cliff at 1:20 and moved up onto the rock flats for a nursing session.  They both seem to be doing fine.
Resting on the top of watefront rocks near 3BS was an Adult Female: smaller adult size and light gray female belly; unsure about tags. She left sometime around 12:55 and was not seen again.
Between 3BS and SRI was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, older coat, yellowish tan female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B first sighting was at the outfall. They saw a seal doing dives and there were snorkelers in the area. They best they could tell it was an adult - subadult size. They could not make a positive ID or get any decent photos.

Next they made the long walk out at tracks. To their surprise there was a seal resting, who might be ready to molt. Looking very grubby. They ID female KG54, but due to the area they couldn't get great shots. There were dogs on the beach, but thankfully they left RG54 alone.
Much to their surprise there were two seals on the rocks again. Again a difficult spot to get decent
photos but they ID'd Nalu R3CX and Lei Ola RH48. Team R&B did not stay in the area.

Last find was R407 Kawika at Nimitz, he was on his rocks resting.  There were folks out in the water and one couple were getting very hot and heavy. Team R&B left the area.

Rabbit Island
unknown adult on Waikiki Friday by Dukes
R3CX a d Lei Ola

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